Publication List

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Refereed Papers

Year Authors Title (Click for more details) Journal (PDF)
2024 M. Mumpower, T. M. Sprouse, J. Miller, K. Lund, et al. Nuclear uncertainties associated with the ejecta of a black-hole accretion disk ApJ 970 173
2024 Y. Saito, I. Dillmann, R. Krucken, M. Mumpower, et al. Uncertainty quantification of mass models using Ensemble Bayesian Model Averaging PRC 109 054301
2024 N. Vassh, X. Wang, M. Lariviere, T. M. Sprouse, et al. Thallium-208: a beacon of in situ neutron capture nucleosynthesis PRL 132 052701
2023 I. U. Roederer, N. Vassh, E. Holmbeck, M. Mumpower, et al. Element abundance patterns in stars indicate fission of nuclei heavier than uranium Science 382 6675 1177
2023 K. Lund, J. Engel, G. C. McLaughlin, M. Mumpower, et al. The influence of beta decay rates on r-process observables ApJ 944 144
2022 N. Vassh, G. C. McLaughlin, M. Mumpower, R. Surman Solar data uncertainty impacts on MCMC methods for r-process nucleosynthesis Frontiers In Physics
2022 I. U. Roederer, J. J. Cowan, M. Pignatari, T. C. Beers, et al. The r-process alliance: abundance universality among some elements at and between the first and second r-process peaks ApJ 936 84
2022 R. Orford, N. Vassh, J. Clark, G. C. McLaughlin, et al. Searching for the origin of the rare-earth peak with precision mass measurements across Ce–Eu isotopic chains PRCL 105, 052802
2022 N. Vassh, G. C. McLaughlin, M. Mumpower, R. Surman The need for a local nuclear physics feature in the neutron-rich rare-earths to explain solar $r$-process abundances submitted
2021 J. Barnes, Y. Zhu, K. Lund, T. M. Sprouse, et al. Kilonovae across the nuclear physics landscape: the impact of nuclear physics uncertainties on r-process-powered emission ApJ 918 44
2021 T. M. Sprouse, M. Mumpower, R. Surman Following nuclei through nucleosynthesis: a novel tracing technique PRC 104 015803
2021 E. Holmbeck, A. Frebel, G. C. McLaughlin, R. Surman, et al. Reconstructing masses of merging neutron stars from stellar r-process abundance signatures ApJ 909 21
2021 B. Côtè, M. Eichler, A. Yague, N. Vassh, et al. Constraining the rapid neutron-capture process with meteoritic 129-I and 247-Cm Science 371 945-948
2021 N. Vassh, G. C. McLaughlin, M. Mumpower, R. Surman Markov Chain Monte Carlo predictions of neutron-rich lathanide properties as a probe of $r$-process dynamics ApJ 907 98
2021 Y. Zhu, K. Lund, J. Barnes, T. M. Sprouse, et al. Modeling kilonova light curves: dependence on nuclear inputs ApJ 906 94
2020 X. Wang, N. Vassh, T. M. Sprouse, M. Mumpower, et al. MeV gamma rays from fission: a distinct signature of actinide production in neutron star mergers ApJL 903 1
2020 J. Miller, T. M. Sprouse, C. L. Fryer, B. R. Ryan, et al. Full transport general relativistic radiation magnetohydrodynamics for nucleosynthesis in collapsars ApJ 902 1
2020 S. Nikas, G. Perdikakis, M. Beard, R. Surman, et al. Propagation of Hauser-Feshbach uncertainty estimates to r-process nucleosynthesis: benchmark of statistical property models for neutron rich nuclei far from stability submitted
2020 N. Vassh, M. Mumpower, G. C. McLaughlin, T. M. Sprouse, et al. Co-production of light and heavy $r$-process elements via fission deposition ApJ 896 1
2020 T. M. Sprouse, R. Navarro Perez, R. Surman, M. Mumpower, et al. Propagation of statistical uncertainties of Skyrme mass models to simulations of $r$-process nucleosynthesis PRC 101 055803
2020 X. Wang, B. D. Fields, M. Mumpower, T. M. Sprouse, et al. Sandblasting the $r$-process: spallation of ejecta from neutron star mergers ApJ 893 2
2020 M. Vilen, J. M. Kelly, A. Kankainen, M. Brodeur, et al. Exploring the mass surface near the rare-earth abundance peak via precision mass measurements at JYFLTRAP PRC 101, 034312
2020 O. Korobkin, A. Hungerford, C. L. Fryer, M. Mumpower, et al. Gamma-rays from kilonova: a potential probe of r-process nucleosynthesis ApJ 889 2
2019 A. Gade, B. Sherrill, D. Ahn, S. Ahn, et al. FRIB 400: the scientific case for the 400 MeV/u energy upgrade of FRIB FRIB whitepaper
2019 E. Holmbeck, A. Frebel, G. C. McLaughlin, M. Mumpower, et al. Actinide-rich and actinide-poor r-process enhanced metal-poor stars do not require separate r-process progenitors ApJ 881 1
2019 C. Horowitz, A. Arcones, B. Côtè, I. Dillmann, et al. r-process nucleosynthesis: connecting rare-isotope beam facilities with the cosmos J. Phys. G 46 8 083001
2019 N. Vassh, R. Vogt, R. Surman, J. Randrup, et al. Using excitation-energy dependent fission yields to identify key fissioning nuclei in r-process nucleosynthesis J. Phys. G 46 065202
2018 E. Holmbeck, R. Surman, T. M. Sprouse, M. Mumpower, et al. Actinide production in neutron-rich ejecta of a neutron star merger ApJ 870 1
2018 M. Mumpower, T. Kawano, T. M. Sprouse, N. Vassh, et al. $\beta$-delayed fission in $r$-process nucleosynthesis ApJ 869 1
2018 A. Aprahamian, R. Surman, A. Frebel, G. C. McLaughlin, et al. FRIB and the GW170817 kilonova Whitepaper
2018 Y. Zhu, R. T. Wollaeger, N. Vassh, R. Surman, et al. Californium-254 and kilonova light curves ApJL 863 2
2018 M. Vilen, J. M. Kelly, A. Kankainen, M. Brodeur, et al. Improving $r$-process calculations for the rare-earth abundance peak via mass measurements at JYFLTRAP PRL 120, 262701
2018 R. Orford, N. Vassh, J. Clark, G. C. McLaughlin, et al. Precision mass measurements of neutron-rich neodymium and samarium isotopes and their role in understanding rare-earth peak formation PRL 120, 262702
2018 B. Côtè, C. L. Fryer, K. Belczynski, O. Korobkin, et al. The origin of r-process elements in the Milky Way ApJ 855 2
2017 A. Spyrou, A. C. Larsen, S. Liddick, F. Naqvi, et al. Neutron-capture rates for explosive nucleosynthesis: the case of $^{68}$Ni$(n,\gamma)^{69}$Ni J. Phys. G 44 4 044002
2017 M. Mumpower, G. C. McLaughlin, R. Surman, A. W. Steiner Reverse engineering nuclear properties from rare earth abundances in the $r$ process J. Phys. G 44 3 034003
2016 M. Mumpower, G. C. McLaughlin, R. Surman, A. W. Steiner The link between rare earth peak formation and the astrophysical site of the $r$ process ApJ 833, 282
2016 T. Shafer, J. Engel, C. Fröhlich, G. C. McLaughlin, et al. $\beta$ decay of deformed $r$-process nuclei near $A=80$ and $A=160$, including odd-A and odd-odd nuclei, with the Skyrme finite-amplitude method PRC 94 055802
2016 S. Liddick, A. Spyrou, B. P. Crider, F. Naqvi, et al. Experimental neutron capture rate constraint far from stability PRL 116, 242502
2016 M. Mumpower, R. Surman, G. C. McLaughlin, A. Aprahamian The impact of individual nuclear properties on $r$-process nucleosynthesis PPNP 86 86-126
2015 M. Mumpower, R. Surman, D. L. Fang, M. Beard, et al. The impact of individual nuclear masses on $r$-process abundances Phys. Rev. C 92 035807
2015 M. Mumpower, R. Surman, D. L. Fang, M. Beard, et al. The impact of uncertain nuclear masses near closed shells on the $r$-process abundance pattern J. Phys. G 42 034027
2014 M. Mumpower, J. Cass, G. Passucci, R. Surman, et al. Sensitivity studies for a main $r$ process: $\beta$-decay rates AIP Advances 4, 041009
2014 R. Surman, M. Mumpower, R. Sinclair, K. Jones, et al. Sensitivity studies for a weak $r$ process: neutron capture rates AIP Advances 4, 041008
2014 A. Aprahamian, I. Bentley, M. Mumpower, R. Surman Sensitivity studies for a main $r$ process: nuclear masses AIP Advances 4, 041101
2012 M. Mumpower, G. C. McLaughlin, R. Surman The influence of neutron capture rates in the rare earth region of the $r$-process abundance pattern PRC 86 035803
2012 M. Mumpower, G. C. McLaughlin, R. Surman The rare earth peak: an overlooked $r$-process diagnostic ApJ 752, 117
2012 M. Mumpower, G. C. McLaughlin, R. Surman Formation of the rare earth peak: gaining insight into late-time $r$-process dynamics PRC 85 045801

Conference Proceedings

Year Authors Title (Click for more details) Journal (PDF)
2020 N. Vassh, M. Mumpower, T. M. Sprouse, R. Surman, et al. Probing the fission properties of neutron-rich actinides with the astrophysical $r$ process FPY2019
2020 X. Wang, B. D. Fields, M. Mumpower, T. M. Sprouse, et al. Spallation of r-Process Nuclei Ejected from a Neutron Star Merger NPA-IX proceedings
2020 E. Holmbeck, R. Surman, A. Frebel, G. C. McLaughlin, et al. Characterizing $r$-process sites through actinide production NPA IX
2019 Y. Zhu, T. M. Sprouse, M. Mumpower, N. Vassh, et al. The nuclear physics uncertainty of kilonova heating rates and the role of fission NIC XV ch 92
2019 M. Mumpower, N. Vassh, T. M. Sprouse, P. Jaffke, et al. Fission properties relevant for GW170817 NIC XV ch 20
2018 R. Surman, M. Mumpower Masses and lifetimes for $r$-process nucleosynthesis: FRIB outlook CGS16
2017 A. C. Larsen, A. Spyrou, S. Liddick, M. Guttormsen, et al. Novel techniques for constraining neutron-capture rates relevant to heavy-element nucleosynthesis INPC2016
2017 R. Surman, M. Mumpower, G. C. McLaughlin, A. Aprahamian Systematic and statistical uncertainties in simulated r-process abundances due to uncertain nuclear masses JPS Conf. Proc. 14, 010612
2017 M. Mumpower, G. C. McLaughlin, R. Surman, A. W. Steiner The rare earth peak and the astrophysical location of the $r$ process JPS Conf. Proc. 14, 020614
2015 R. Surman, M. Mumpower, A. Aprahamian Uncorrelated nuclear mass uncertainties and $r$-process abundance predictions Mazurian Lakes Conf. on Physics
2014 M. Mumpower, R. Surman, A. Aprahamian Variances in $r$-process predictions from uncertain nuclear rates FAIRNESS2014
2014 M. Mumpower, R. Surman, A. Aprahamian The impact of global nuclear mass model uncertainties on $r$-process abundance predictions CGS15
2014 M. Mumpower, R. Surman, A. Aprahamian Nuclear masses near $N=82$ that influence $r$-process abundances NIC2014
2014 R. Surman, M. Mumpower, A. Aprahamian The sensitivity of $r$-process nucleosynthesis to individual $\beta$-delayed neutron emission probabilities ARIS
2013 R. Surman, M. Mumpower, J. Cass, A. Aprahamian The sensitivity studies for $r$-process nucleosynthesis in three astrophysical scenarios INPC
2013 R. Surman, M. Mumpower, J. Cass, A. Aprahamian The sensitivity of $r$-process nucleosynthesis to the properties of neutron-rich nuclei ICFN5
2012 R. Surman, G. C. McLaughlin, M. Mumpower, W. Hix, et al. Neutron captures and the $r$-process nucleosynthesis CGS14
2012 M. Mumpower, R. Surman, G. C. McLaughlin The rare earth peak: a new $r$-process diagnostic NIC2012
2010 M. Mumpower, R. Surman, G. C. McLaughlin Neutron captures and the rare earth peak Proceedings of Science, NIC-XI 273
2010 R. Surman, G. C. McLaughlin, M. Mumpower, W. Hix, et al. Neutron capture in the $r$-process Proceedings of Science, NIC-XI 284

arXiv Papers

Year Authors Title (Click for more details) Journal (PDF)
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Matthew Mumpower
Los Alamos National Lab
MS B283
TA-3 Bldg 123
Los Alamos, NM 87545

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(505) 667-5671