Publication List

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Refereed Papers

Year Authors Title (Click for more details) Journal (PDF)
2019 S. Jones, H. Moller, C. L. Fryer, C. J. Fontes, et al. $^{60}$Fe in core-collapse supernovae and prospects for X-ray and $\gamma$-ray detection in supernova remnants MNRAS stz536 2019
2018 M. Mumpower, T. Kawano, T. M. Sprouse, N. Vassh, et al. $\beta$-delayed fission in $r$-process nucleosynthesis ApJ 869 1
2017 M. Mumpower, T. Kawano, J. L. Ullmann, M. Krticka, et al. Estimation of M1 scissors mode strength for deformed nuclei in the medium to heavy mass region by statistical Hauser-Feshbach model calculations PRC 96 024612
2017 M. Mumpower, G. C. McLaughlin, R. Surman, A. W. Steiner Reverse engineering nuclear properties from rare earth abundances in the $r$ process J. Phys. G 44 3 034003
2016 M. Mumpower, G. C. McLaughlin, R. Surman, A. W. Steiner The link between rare earth peak formation and the astrophysical site of the $r$ process ApJ 833, 282
2016 M. Mumpower, T. Kawano, P. Möller Neutron-gamma competition for $\beta$-delayed neutron emission PRC 94 064317
2015 P. Möller, A. Sierk, T. Ichikawa, A. Iwamoto, et al. Fission barriers at the end of the chart of nuclides Phys. Rev C 91 024310

Conference Proceedings

Year Authors Title (Click for more details) Journal (PDF)
2017 T. Kawano, M. Mumpower, J. L. Ullmann Enhancement of neutron capture rates for deformed nuclei and impact on the $r$-process nucleosynthesis calculations JPS Conf. Proc. 14, 010612
2017 M. Mumpower, G. C. McLaughlin, R. Surman, A. W. Steiner The rare earth peak and the astrophysical location of the $r$ process JPS Conf. Proc. 14, 020614
2014 M. Mumpower, R. Surman, A. Aprahamian Variances in $r$-process predictions from uncertain nuclear rates FAIRNESS2014
2014 S. Frauendorf, M. Beard, M. Mumpower, R. Schwengner, et al. Low-energy magnetic radiation CGS15
2014 M. Mumpower, R. Surman, A. Aprahamian Nuclear masses near $N=82$ that influence $r$-process abundances NIC2014

arXiv Papers

Year Authors Title (Click for more details) Journal (PDF)
No publications are available.

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Matthew Mumpower
Los Alamos National Lab
MS B283
TA-3 Bldg 123
Los Alamos, NM 87545

Office Phone

(505) 667-5671