Publication List

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Refereed Papers

Year Authors Title (Click for more details) Journal (PDF)
2024 K. Lund, R. Somasundaram, G. C. McLaughlin, J. Miller, et al. Kilonova emissions from neutron star merger remnants: implications for nuclear equation of state submitted
2024 M. Mumpower, T. M. Sprouse, J. Miller, K. Lund, et al. Nuclear uncertainties associated with the ejecta of a black-hole accretion disk ApJ 970 173
2024 K. Lund, G. C. McLaughlin, J. Miller, M. Mumpower Magnetic field strength effects on nucleosynthesis from neutron star merger outflows ApJ 964 111
2024 T. M. Sprouse, K. Lund, J. Miller, G. C. McLaughlin, et al. Emergent nucleosynthesis from a 1.2 second long simulation of a black-hole accretion disk ApJ 962 79
2023 E. Holmbeck, J. Barnes, K. Lund, T. M. Sprouse, et al. Superheavy elements in kilonovae ApJL 951 L13
2023 K. Lund, J. Engel, G. C. McLaughlin, M. Mumpower, et al. The influence of beta decay rates on r-process observables ApJ 944 144
2021 J. Barnes, Y. Zhu, K. Lund, T. M. Sprouse, et al. Kilonovae across the nuclear physics landscape: the impact of nuclear physics uncertainties on r-process-powered emission ApJ 918 44
2021 Y. Zhu, K. Lund, J. Barnes, T. M. Sprouse, et al. Modeling kilonova light curves: dependence on nuclear inputs ApJ 906 94

Conference Proceedings

Year Authors Title (Click for more details) Journal (PDF)
No publications are available.

arXiv Papers

Year Authors Title (Click for more details) Journal (PDF)
No publications are available.

Contact Me


Matthew Mumpower
Los Alamos National Lab
MS B283
TA-3 Bldg 123
Los Alamos, NM 87545

Office Phone

(505) 667-5671