Publication List
Limited by author:
Refereed Papers
Year | Authors | Title (Click for more details) | Journal (PDF) |
2020 | M. Mumpower, P. Jaffke, M. Verriere, J. Randrup | Primary fission fragment mass yields across the chart of nuclides | PRC 101 054607 |
2019 | N. Vassh, R. Vogt, R. Surman, J. Randrup, et al. | Using excitation-energy dependent fission yields to identify key fissioning nuclei in r-process nucleosynthesis | J. Phys. G 46 065202 |
2018 | Y. Zhu, R. T. Wollaeger, N. Vassh, R. Surman, et al. | Californium-254 and kilonova light curves | ApJL 863 2 |
Conference Proceedings
Year | Authors | Title (Click for more details) | Journal (PDF) |
2019 | M. Mumpower, N. Vassh, T. M. Sprouse, P. Jaffke, et al. | Fission properties relevant for GW170817 | NIC XV ch 20 |
arXiv Papers
Year | Authors | Title (Click for more details) | Journal (PDF) |
No publications are available. |