Publication List
Limited by author:
Refereed Papers
Year | Authors | Title (Click for more details) | Journal (PDF) |
2020 | S. Nikas, G. Perdikakis, M. Beard, R. Surman, et al. | Propagation of Hauser-Feshbach uncertainty estimates to r-process nucleosynthesis: benchmark of statistical property models for neutron rich nuclei far from stability | submitted |
2015 | M. Mumpower, R. Surman, D. L. Fang, M. Beard, et al. | The impact of individual nuclear masses on -process abundances | Phys. Rev. C 92 035807 |
2015 | M. Mumpower, R. Surman, D. L. Fang, M. Beard, et al. | The impact of uncertain nuclear masses near closed shells on the -process abundance pattern | J. Phys. G 42 034027 |
Conference Proceedings
Year | Authors | Title (Click for more details) | Journal (PDF) |
2014 | S. Frauendorf, M. Beard, M. Mumpower, R. Schwengner, et al. | Low-energy magnetic radiation | CGS15 |
arXiv Papers
Year | Authors | Title (Click for more details) | Journal (PDF) |
No publications are available. |