Macroscopic-microscopic fission yields

M. Mumpower, T. M. Sprouse, M. Verriere, N. Vassh, J. Randrup

Published EPJ Conf. series FUSION24 (2024)

We utilize the macroscopic-microscopic approach to fission to calculate nascent fragment distributions. Assuming strongly damped shape motion, we run many iterations of a Metropolis random walk across nuclear potential-energy surfaces to obtain sufficient scission statistics. Our nuclear potential surfaces consist of a macroscopic energy from the Finite-Range Liquid-Drop Model (FRLDM) and microscopic terms that arise from the single-particle spectra. We compare our predictions for two major actinides to experimental data. We present global trends from this modeling that manifest as a function of mass number of the fissioning species. We discuss the impact of fission yield modeling on nucleosynthetic outcomes.

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Matthew Mumpower
Los Alamos National Lab
MS B283
TA-3 Bldg 123
Los Alamos, NM 87545

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(505) 667-5671