Detectability prospects for long-lived gamma-ray emission from r-process events

B. Amend, C. L. Fryer, M. Mumpower, O. Korobkin

Submitted submitted (2024)

Detecting gamma-ray emission from radioactive decay in r-process-enriched kilonova and supernova remnants offers a direct method for probing heavy element synthesis in the Milky Way. We assess the feasibility of such detections through an all-sky survey using mock instruments similar to the COmpton Spectrometer and Imager (COSI) and targeted observations with sensitive, low field-of-view instruments similar to the High Energy X-ray Probe (HEX-P). By modeling the spatial distribution of potential remnants and generating synthetic time-evolving gamma-ray spectra, we compare predicted fluxes to the sensitivity limits of each instrument. Our findings suggest that the likelihood of detecting kilonova remnants with COSI-like instruments over a 24-month observing cycle is extremely low (~1%), highlighting the need for instruments with at least ten times greater sensitivity to make such detections more probable. The superior sensitivity of a HEX-P-like instrument offers higher chances of detection, provided suitable targets are identified. We propose methods for optimizing target selection and outline the observational advancements needed to improve detectability prospects. Both detections and non-detections carry important implications for our understanding of galactic r-process nucleosynthesis, influencing future observational strategies.

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Matthew Mumpower
Los Alamos National Lab
MS B283
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Los Alamos, NM 87545

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