The role of nuclear fission in $r$-process nucleosynthesis
LBNL seminar, Berkeley, CA
Invited presentation on 04/2019
August 2017 marked the first observation of gravitational waves and electromagnetic signals from the merging of two neutron stars sending ripples through the astrophysics, atomic physics, nuclear physics and gravitational wave communities. In some components of neutron star merger ejecta, fission, or the splitting of a heavy element into smaller fragments, is thought to re-cycle the material and impact the resultant abundances. I will discuss the fission properties that arise from a careful study of the Finite-Range Liquid-Drop Model (FRLDM), covering the treatment of neutron-induced fission, beta-delayed fission and fission yields. The production of Californium-254 and its special role in influencing the light curve of mergers will also be discussed.
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