Nuclear Data (2022)
Tuesday July 26$^{th}$ 2022
Theoretical Division
Los Alamos National Laboratory Caveat
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Example: fission yields are needed for a variety of applications and cutting-edge science
Industrial applications: simulation of reactors, fuel cycles, waste management
Experiments: backgrounds, isotope production with radioactive ion beams (fragmentation)
Science applications: nucleosynthesis, light curve observations
Other Applications: national security, nonproliferation, nuclear forensics
Modern applications require: a blending of data and theory (models)
Data is often times sufficiently precise, but hard to obtain and there's never enough
Theory provides great physical insight and extrapolations, but limited by assumptions and lack of precision
How do we go about merging information produced by both?
We have built a Python3 platform to handle this complex task which provides:
access to nuclear data (experiment, evaluation, etc.) and metadata
access to theoretical models (CoH, BeOH, eFRLDM, DRW, etc.)
seamless integration between data, codes and applications (marshalling); straightforward data release
Our current workflow combines many distinct codes and data
NEXUS provides
code structures and marshalling that allow theory, data and applications to seemlessly communicate
We have more recently used NEXUS for the evaluation of $^{239}$Pu neutron-induced cross sections (fast energy range)
Total neutron-induced cross section
Modeled with CoH (Kawano) using 15 experimental datasets
Soukhovitskii (2005) optical model [$\beta \sim 0.21$]; coupled channels with 7 levels
Hyperparameter optimization of optical model parameters (potential depths, radii and diffuseness)
We find excellent performance of algorithm on par with past ENDF evaluation efforts
Rapid incorporation of new high-precision data, e.g. Mosby et al. (2018)
As well as new model developments (M1 enhancement)
We can also integrate feedback from integral benchmarks when appropriate
Model: new collective enhancement allows for simultaneous description of (n,f) and (n,2n) channels
[difficult to describe in past versions of CoH]
Tight integration of model and experimental data leads to the updates relative to ENDF/B-VIII.0
We are in the process of updating the $^{239}$Pu cross sections in the fast energy range
(complementing the work of IAEA / INDEN / ORNL lower energy work in the resonance range)
LANL has been overhauling its evaluation tools (CoH, CGMF, DeCE, Kalman, NEXUS, PySOK, SOK)
Focus on consistency throughout evaluation (we are evaluating more isotopes)
Model update: new collective enhancement allows for simultaneous description of (n,f) and (n,2n) channels
Model update: new inelastic scattering model using the Engelbrecht-Weidenmuller transformation
New cross section evaluation goes up to 30 MeV (as well as nu-bar and PFNS)
New (n,$\gamma$) data from S. Mosby up to ~1 MeV
Neutron Data standards $^{239}$Pu(n,f) cross section;
includes updates in covariances with templates and new (n,f) data from fissionTPC (Snyder)
New nu-bar including improved exp. UQ, Marini data and consistent CGMF modeling
New PFNS: INDEN non-model evaluation at thermal, Los Alamos model evaluation above including new Chi-Nu and CEA data
We are actively testing the file versus integral benchmarks; starting covariances
NEXUS isn't just applicable to nuclear data evaluations
We can also use it for science (hoorah!)
First prediction of dynamical isomer population in the astrophysical $r$ process
Some "astromers" may have direct observable consequences in kilonova (e.g. exp. effort led by K. Kolos @ LLNL)
Many measurement campaigns now underway at ANL, CERN and FRIB (first round experiment!)
NEXUS provided: access to the latest data in ENDF / ENSDF as well as NuBase.
First application of FRLDM yields versus standard symmetric split
Universality of the $r$-process may extend down lower than previously believed; coproduction of precious metals
Recently accepted Hubble Space Telescope time motivated from this work!
NEXUS provided: the marshalling between models and nucleosynthesis network
Lanthanide / actinide production can vary drastically using different nuclear models
This in turn impacts heating, thermalization and light curves even for fixed ejected mass & velocity
NEXUS provided: the construction of the complete nuclear datasets
Predictions of the most likely nuclei to find significant $\beta$-delayed fission branchings
These nuclei could be accessible in the future with concerted experimental effort
NEXUS provided: the compilation of model results
Novel method to predict ground state masses and uncertainties
Mixture Density Network constrained by both data and physics
NEXUS provided: quick access to the Atomic Mass Evaluation / theory models for training
an effective and efficient workflow for immediately incorporating state-of-the-art nuclear data in astrophysics
This is particularly timely as FRIB (and other important experimental facilities) come online in the near future
International team led by T. Sprouse @ LANL
100% open source; technology now beginning to be used in astrophysical studies (MESA, PRISM, etc.)
My collaborators
J. Barnes, M. Herman, D. Hoff, P. Jaffke, T. Kawano, N. Kleedtke, K. Kolos, A. Lovell, M. Li, K. Lund, G. C. McLaughlin, W. Misch, A. Mohan, P. Möller, D. Neudecker, J. Randrup, H. Sasaki, N. Schunck, T. Sprouse, R. Surman, N. Vassh, M. Verriere, P. Talou, Y. Zhu,
& many more...
▣ Student ▣ Postdoc ▣ LANL Staff ▣ FIRE PI
Modern applications require a seamless integration of data and modeling
NEXUS provides a framework for:
nuclear data ▴ theoretical models ▴ pipeline to applications
New evaluations can be constructed with complete history under version control (e.g. $^{239}$Pu)
Data may be rapidly incorporated into applications to accelerate the pace of scientific discovery
This work has led to a tighter collaboration between the data, modeling and experimental communities
Results / Data / Papers @