ASU $r$-process workshop
Wednesday March 27$^{th}$ 2019
FIRE Collaboration
Fission In R-process Elements
Knowledge of astrophysical conditions (variations in current simulations)
Knowledge of nuclear physics inputs (1000's of unknown species / properties)
(Both are needed to model the nucleosynthesis)
And precise observations!
In other words, the solution is quite difficult...
1st order: masses, $\beta$-decay rates, capture rates & fission
But fission studies will remain relatively inaccessible
∴ Fission theory is critical find any sort of "smoking gun" of heavy element production
Influence on the $r$-process:
Fission rates and branching determine re-cycling (robustness)
Fragment yields place material at lower mass number; barriers determine hot spots
Large Q-value ⇒ impacts thermalization and therefore possibly observations
Responsible for what is left in the heavy mass region when nucleosynthesis is complete ⇒ "smoking gun"
We have a model to describe nuclear de-excitation called QRPA+HF
We have recently extended the our QRPA+HF model to describe $\beta$-delayed fission ($\beta$df)
Barrier heights from Möller et al. PRC 91 024310 (2015)
Near the dripline $Q_{beta}$ ⇡ $S_{n}$ ⇣
Multi-chance $\beta$df: each daughter may fission
New fission channel to consider for $r$-process calculations
The yields in this decay mode are a convolution of many fission yields!
Fission can successfully compete with $\gamma$-rays and neutrons
Particle spectra also produced which are of interest for observations
$\beta$df occupies a large amount of real estate in the NZ-plane
Multi-chance $\beta$df outlined in black
Network calculation of tidal ejecta from a neutron star merger (FRDM2012)
$\beta$df can shape the final pattern near the $A=130$ peak
This is because of a relatively long fission timescale
Conclusion ⇒ we need a good description of fission yields to understand abundances near $A\sim130$.
Network calculation of tidal ejecta from a neutron star merger (FRDM2012)
$\beta$df alone prevents the production of superheavy elements in nature
With careful fission treatments: if actinides are produced, they are usually overproduced versus lanthanides
A sufficient amount of dilution with ligher $r$-process material is required to match the solar isotopic residuals
∴ Fission theory has implications for galactic chemical evolution, etc.
Is there any possible precursor to show that actinide nucleosynthesis has occurred in an event?... Maybe!
The spontaneous fission of $^{254}$Cf is a primary contributor to nuclear heating at late-time epochs
The $T_{1/2}\sim 60$ days but yield distribution is not well constrained
Both near- and middle- IR are impacted by the presence of $^{254}$Cf
Late-time epoch brightness can be used as a proxy for actinide nucleosynthesis
Future JWST will be detectable out to 250 days with the presence of $^{254}$Cf
This also has implications for merger morphology...
▣ Experiment ▣ Theory
FRLDM fragment yields have remarkable agreement with known data
Over a range of experiments, evaluations and nuclei!
My collaborators
A. Aprahamian, J. Clark, E. Holmbeck, P. Jaffke, T. Kawano, O. Korobkin, S. Liddick, G. C. McLaughlin, J. Miller, P. Möller, R. Orford, J. Randrup, G. Savard, A. Sierk, N. Schunck, T. Sprouse, A. Spyrou, I. Stetcu, R. Surman, P. Talou, N. Vassh, M. Verriere, X. Wang, Y. Zhu
& many more...
▣ Students ▣ Postdocs ▣ FIRE PIs
The $r$-process relies on fission in many ways:
Re-cycling material ▴ Actinide production ▴ Late-time observations
FRIB and other facilities will make a lot of measurements, but fission studies remain relatively inaccessible
Fission theory is crucial to understanding the formation of the heaviest elements (and $A\sim130$)
The FIRE Collaboration will soon provide a suite of new fission properties for the community:
Rates • Branchings • Yields • Q-values • Spectra
Results / Data / Papers @
We use a discrete random walk over a potential energy surface
This assumes strong disspative dynamics
The ensemble of such random walks produces the fission yield