Workshop on Nuclear Astrophysics Opportunities at ATLAS
Saturday July 13$^{th}$ 2019
FIRE Collaboration
Fission In R-process Elements
The evolution of nuclear structure throughout the chart of nuclides
GT or FF contributions could dominate in this region for nuclear $\beta$-decay
For the study of reactions ($\gamma$-strength and nuclear level densities)
Formation of the elements in astrophysical environments ($r$-process)
How much actinides are produced in nature? What about superheavies?
Important for high opacity elements (both lanthanides & actinides) that can impact light curves
The shell gap can be used as a measure of the strength of a shell closure
A strong shell closure is baked into present nuclear models ($\Delta_{\rm 2n}$ rather flat and $> 0$)
For nucleosynthesis this means it takes awhile to get beyond this hangup spot
A dirty secret: nucleosynthesis simulations have trouble reproducing
(1) the peak height (2) peak height relative to $A=130$ and (3) the position of the $A=195$ peak
Final abundances using 20 mass models given the same astro. conditions
The $N=126$ shell closure acts as the gatekeeper to actinide production
If fission recycling: implications for lanthanide production and galactic chemical evolution
Is there any precursor to show that actinide nucleosynthesis has occurred in an event?... YES!
The spontaneous fission of $^{254}$Cf is the primary contributor to nuclear heating at late-time epochs
Producing actinides depends on the $N=126$ shell closure strength and hence impacts kilonova observations
The $N=126$ factory will give much needed insight to studies of nuclear structure
A strong $N=126$ shell closure is baked into current nuclear models
This has important implications for the $r$-process of nucleosynthesis...
The $N=126$ closure acts as the gatekeeper to actinide production
Astro. observations are influenced depending on production of high opacity elements
Even lanthanide production is influenced if fission recycling is active
This is important if we want to understand the history of element production in our galaxy
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